Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Is Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is self-sustaining energy with electric and magnetic field components. Electromagnetic radiation is commonly referred to as light, EM, EMR, or electromagnetic waves. The waves propagate through a vacuum at the speed of light. The oscillations of the electric and magnetic field components are perpendicular to each other and to the direction in which the wave is moving. The waves may be characterized according to their wavelengths, frequencies, or energy. Packets or quanta of electromagnetic waves are called photons. Photons have zero rest mass, but they momentum or relativistic mass, so they are still affected by gravity like normal matter. Electromagnetic radiation is emitted any time charged particles are accelerated. The Electromagnetic Spectrum The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses all types of electromagnetic radiation. From longest wavelength/lowest energy to shortest wavelength/highest energy, the order of the spectrum is radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray. An easy way to remember the order of the spectrum is to use the mnemonic Rabbits Mate In Very Unusual eXpensive Gardens. Radio waves are emitted by stars and are generated by man to transmit audio data.Microwave radiation is emitted by stars and galaxies. Its observed using radio astronomy (which includes microwaves). Humans use it to heat food and transmit data.Infrared radiation is emitted by warm bodies, including living organisms. Its also emitted by dust and gases between stars.The visible spectrum is the tiny portion of the spectrum perceived by human eyes. Its emitted by stars, lamps, and some chemical reactions.Ultraviolet radiation is emitted by stars, including the Sun. Health effects of overexposure include sunburns, skin cancer, and cataracts.Hot gases in the universe emit x-rays. They are generated and used by man for diagnostic imaging.The Universe emits gamma radiation. It may be harnessed for imaging, similar to how x-rays are used. Ionizing Versus Non-Ionizing Radiation Electromagnetic radiation may be categorized as ionizing or non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to break chemical bonds and give electrons sufficient energy to escape their atoms, forming ions. Non-ionizing radiation may be absorbed by atoms and molecules. While the radiation may provide activation energy to initiate chemical reactions and break bonds, the energy is too low to allow electron escape or capture. Radiation that is more energetic that ultraviolet light is ionizing. Radiation that is less energetic than ultraviolet light (including visible light) is non-ionizing. Short wavelength  ultraviolet light is ionizing. Discovery History Wavelengths of light outside the visible spectrum were discovered early in the 19th century. William Herschel described infrared radiation in 1800. Johann Wilhelm Ritter discovered ultraviolet radiation in 1801. Both scientists detected the light using a prism to split sunlight into its component wavelengths. The equations to describe electromagnetic fields were developed by James Clerk Maxwell in 1862-1964. Prior to James Clerk Maxwells unified theory of electromagnetism, scientists believed electricity and magnetism were separate forces. Electromagnetic Interactions Maxwells equations describe four main electromagnetic interactions: The force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating them.A moving electric field produces a magnetic field and a moving magnetic field produces an electric field.An electric current in a wire produces a magnetic field such that the direction of the magnetic field depends on the direction of the current.There are no magnetic monopoles. Magnetic poles come in pairs that attract and repel each other much like electric charges.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Symptoms And Symptoms Of A Traumatic Brain Injury Essay

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a type of brain injury in which a sudden trauma leads to damage to the brain. This brain injury could be due to the head suddenly and aggressively being hit against an object or when an object penetrates the skull and enters the tissue of the brain. The symptoms of TBI can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe, but this all depends on the amount of damage that was done to the brain. When enduring a mild TBI, the person may experience a loss of consciousness, confusion, dizziness, and many other symptoms that are caused by brain damage. A person enduring a moderate TBI may encounter these same symptoms as well as severe ones. A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). About 1.6-3.8 million sports-related concussions occur each year in the United States (What is a Concussion? 2016). The prevalence of acquiring a concussion does vary based on the type of sport and the age of the athlete. According to a study done by Clay et al. (2013), there is definitely a risk in every sport for an individual to receive a concussion. However, some sports may have a higher concussion frequency, but this could depend on the amount of force that is used and the positions that are played in the sports (Clay et al. 2013). There are also other modifiable factors such as use of protective gear, rules modifications, prevention through strength training, and changes to position techniques (Clay et al. 2013). It was found from the study that youngerShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Injuries Of A Traumatic Brain Injury841 Words   |  4 Pages Nearly two million people experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. The degree of severity from the incident may range from no underlying brain injury to severe compression of brain tissue. Irregular interior surface of skull can damage fragile tissues of brain during acceleration, deceleration, or shearing forces. Direct mechanical trauma can injure cortical tissue. Traumatic hematomas can damage subcortical structures and lead to vasospasm and ischemia. Sudden movement of skull onRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of A Traumatic Brain Injury2011 Words   |  9 PagesCRANIOCEREBRAL INJURIES INTRODUCTION Traumatic Brain Injury is a large subset of the global public health epidemic of trauma. It is estimated that 1.7 million people sustain traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United States of America (1). In a study by Crandon et al, published in the West Indian Journal of Medicine in 2007, 857 patients were admitted to the University Hospital of the West Indies over a four year period with TBI. Of that total only eight percent (8%) were due to penetrating injuries(2).Read MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of A Traumatic Brain Injury1451 Words   |  6 PagesTraumatic Brain Injury Disease Processes: Gregory is a 23-year-old Caucasian male whose primary disease processes is mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBI’s are individualized to the patient. 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Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan have created a spotlight on this injury, as the â€Å"signature injury†. Specific criteria makeup the definition of a TBI, which is certain symptoms and severity levels of those symptoms. Due to the capacity of this injury, the DepartmentRead MoreTraumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) in Adults and Children655 Words   |  3 Pages Traumatic brain injuries have become an epidemic, affecting both children and adults. The effects of these brain injuries are severe however; they do differ in severity from youth to adult age in areas such as: cognitive and speech function, physical ability, fatigue, and headaches. America has been recognizing the severity of these injuries and sports and medicine have increased funding to prevent them. 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Introduction Traumatic brain injuries, whether they occur on the football field, soccer field, ice hockey rink, boxing ring, or overseas in a war laden area, continue to be on the rise. This can be associated with athletes reporting their symptoms and trained medical professionalsRead MoreThe Awareness Of Traumatic Brain Injuries1334 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The awareness of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) has increased and the information available is better now than it was in the past. I believe many people are aware of concussions and traumatic brain injuries but not how it can affect their brain. Traumatic Brain injuries are a very complex injury with a broad spectrum of symptoms and disabilities. Many healthcare professionals in the field of brain injury often say, â€Å"If you’ve seen one concussion, you’ve seen one concussion.† Even a mild

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay Summary Example For Students

The rime of the Ancient Mariner Essay Summary Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,† written in 1797, has been widely discussed throughout literary history. Although critics have come up with many different interpretations of this poem, one idea that has remained prevalent throughout these discussions is the apparent religious symbolism present throughout this poem. â€Å"The Ancient Mariner† contains natural, gothic, and biblical symbolism; however, the religious and natural symbolism, which coincide with one another, play the most important roles in this poem (Piper 43). It is apocalyptic and natural symbolism that dominates the core of this poem (43). The biblical symbolism found in this poem mainly reflects the apocalypse, as it deals with the Mariner’s revelation that good will triumph over evil, andhis acceptance of all nature as God’s creation. It is impossible to believe that Coleridge was not thinking of the mysterious wind that blows on the Mariner, without any awareness of the wind as a Biblical symbol of the Holy Spirit. Coleridge could also not associate the murder of the albatross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The reader is told that the Polar Spirit â€Å"loved the bird that loved the man who shot him with his bow.† It is doubtful that someone with Coleridge’s Christian background and faith could fail to see here an analogy with God who loved his son who loved the men that killed him. Another example of symbolism is the fact that the albatross is hung around the Mariner’s neck like a crucifix. Event the â€Å"cross† in â€Å"cross-bow† hints at the murder of Jesus, which logically paces the albatross as a symbol for Christ. It is thought that Coleridge deliberately created these symbols and images with Christian meaning in mind. The apocalypse is heavily reflected upon throughout this poem as Coleridge combined the vivid colors, the ocean, and the death fires of â€Å"The Ancient Mariner† with the terror and desolation of the days of wrath in the apocalypse. The section of the poem after the Mariner kills the Albatross is a description of the emptiness and desolation that the Mariners experience, and the curse that is over the ship. This section of the poem has tremendous correspondence to the apocalyptic story. The language and form in this part of the poem represent the images and words, which have traditionally described the wrath of God and the guilt of man in Christian terms. Its is at this point in the poem that the Mariner feels guilty for having killed the Albatross and for the deaths of his shipmates. However, it is directly after this description that the Mariner observes the beauty of the water snakes and forms a respect for the presence of God in nature. In this poem Coleridge uses the wrath and guilt of the apocalypse, but adds his own ideas of divine love and conversion, which lead to paradise. Even thought the Mariner must continue with his penance, he is free of God’s wrath and is able to appreciate and love all of nature as God’s creation. Throughout this poem there are many examples of biblical symbolism in nature. Coleridge uses different elements of nature, such as the sea, as symbols of religious thought or beliefs. The sea is where the decisive events, the moments of eternal choice, temptation, and redemption occur. While at sea, the Mariner makes the eternal choice to kill the Albatross. This choice is eternal because once the Mariner has committed the act of murder, there is nothing that he can do to change it. s a result of the Mariner’s decision, a curse falls over the ship and the Mariner is sentenced to eternal penance. The eternal penance that he must serve is a reminder to the Mariner of the choice that he made. However, even after the death of his soul, the Mariner experiences redemption when he recognizes and learns to love all God’s creations. It is a known fact that Coleridge’s thoughts and feelings where rarely affected by his beliefs, especially the apocalypse. The apocalyptic st ory deals with God’s freeing the soul of man from the pains of sin and death, and lifting it into paradise. After the Mariner kills the albatross, he feels as if he is under some sort of curse. However, the Mariner goes through as conversion, which thus releases his soul from the pains of sin and death so that he can once again obtain happiness. .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac , .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .postImageUrl , .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac , .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:hover , .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:visited , .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:active { border:0!important; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:active , .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufa54a070e59e01ed0014706d96f0b9ac:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Machiavelli perspective on globalization EssayThere are two essential steps in the conversion process. The first step occurs when imaginative powers mythological appearances of nature so that the slightest willful act appears to bring down a terrible vengeance. The willful act that the Mariner partakes in is the killing of the Albatross, and the terrible vengeance that occurs because as a result of this action is the cures that is cast over the ship. The second part of this conversion process takes place at the greatest moment of hopelessness. At this point, the presence of divine love within humankind appears and emphasizes the appearance of the natural world. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner† is not a direct religious sermon, but there are many strong references to the Christian religion throughout the poem, which stem from Coleridge’s own religious beliefs. Although Coleridge did not take the religious images in this poem directly from the Bible, though much of his inspiration for the poem seemed to be based on religious ideas, especially that of the Apocalypse. Coleridge integrates natural symbols, which are associated with the religious symbols, into this poem in order to further emphasize his belief that God is present everywhere in nature, and that one can sent into this state of paradise when this love for God is discovered. By using imagery from the apocalypse and religious symbolism in nature, Coleridge created an incredible poem which expresses how the realization of divine love within oneself has the power to heal pain and suffering.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Effective Ethical

Question: Can Ethics Be Taught? Answer: Ethics is generally the study of an individual behavior in ascertaining the true perception for what is wrong or right. It is an inherent quality of an individual and is learnt as a personality development process (Blay et al., 2016). It showcases the true attitude of a person that is how they react and relates to a particular incident. In other words, a person learns the important values of life naturally as a crucial part of growing up. Ethical behaviors in the form of instructions are also taught as a part of curriculum. Value system hence predetermines the individuals ethical behavior. A persons behavioral responses are usually dependent on various external factors that involve the persons religious beliefs, regional influences and their very own culture (Jeffrey Downie, 2016). Moreover, the community and the system also play a very significant role in the nurturing of ethical judgment and attributes in an individual. As the individuals actually learns to a great extent the ethi cal values that are imparted by their families and society at large. A person usually learns about lifes basic concept in a very contrasting milieu of ones own observation and tutoring. Moreover, the family of the individual set down their own traditional behavior. These influences further set down the required tone for the ground rules of existing rights and wrong. The teaching of ethics is regarded as a doctrinated subject that has to cross various layers of the already set ideas in the learners mind (Michaelson et al., 2014). Besides the change in the previous lifestyle from simplistic approach to holistic, the present high-tech and complex life also demands new life value system. Therefore, understanding and concern becomes the vital keywords required for ethics. A systematic approach is required by an individual in making effective ethical decisions. The person should always take the decision in the form of practical and logical persuasion and arguments rather than taking opinions. The procedures related to the moral reasoning include critical thinking, moral context and philosophical foundations related to the moral theory(Schrier, 2015). It is vital for a person to clearly understand the ethical dilemmas, facts, issue principles and values for the situations. Socrates commented that virtues can be ascertained and practiced by a person. To practice virtue, a person only needs to take initiative for the emotional stamina, great determination and critical reflection. According to Plato, ethical or moral conducts should completely be based on the knowledge and experience of the world (Chell et al., 2016). This involves great courage and moderate behavior so that the ethical judgment can be easily achieved. On the other hand, Aristotle came up with the Golden Mean theory, which involves that virtue, lies within the extremes of deficiency and access. There are three major normative ethics, which includes deontological ethics, teleological ethics and virtue ethics. The deontological theory has been arrived from the Greek word deon, which means duty or obligation (Strobel, Tumasjan Welpe, 2015). This theory mostly focuses on taking ethical decision considering the individuals right and duties for other. It was started as Kant theory and concerns only with rightful duties and moral obligations. Teleological theory relates to the best consequences that are derived from the actions. It is a famous utilitarian theory and telos here means purpose. Virtue ethics lastly relates with virtues that involves moral values, quality of goodness in an individual, wisdom, courage and fairness. Virtue can easily be achieved through proper discipline and training of a person. Human beings are born with the ability to desire as well as also possess the ability to control these desire by learning moral virtues. Each and every average individual is mentally balanced with proper consciousness and internally knows the right and wrong in situations. The inner knowledge is present within the individual and is deeply ingrained naturally without any attempt to manipulation or rationalization. Ethics and moral are therefore carried in the inside of a person inherently before it came out as written codes of ethical conduct. However, various individuals still believe the fact that moral codes and ethics are forcefully imposed on them (Wang Calvano, 2015). Before the constructions of identity, gender, and the social being, each individual are born with own ethical beliefs and well determined set of principles. A person social upbringing, standard of living and level of literacy plays a crucial role in influencing the ethical learning process. The blending of operational values with the professed values determines the moral sensitivity of an individual from daily activities to complex issues related to ones occupation. Technology only leads to manipulate the nature of well beings for the humans. Universities and the places of learning are in the recent times very apprehensive about the immediate spurt of knowledge explosion. It has out spaced the common understanding of the general people as they had to reap the consequences and benefits affecting the knowledge of living (Swanson Frederick, 2016). Therefore, ethical teachings and practices should be effectively followed by the common man as it is a high time. It is highly significant to integrate ethics throughout the curriculum of a student. The success of an organization or the nation is only possible if ethical practices are followed at each and every level. All the business school should encourage their students to develop a clear understanding for the vast challenges that surrounds the corporate governance and corporate responsibility. It helps in providing them with a tool for determining and responding to the ethical issues. This helps the individual to grow both at a personal and professional level. They start analyzing both the positive and negative situations responsible for day-to day ethical behavior in the organization. Kohlberg discovered that an individuals ability that links to moral issues is not created all at once. As there are stages for the physical development or growth of an individual, in the same manner ethics is also not developed all at once. The ability of an individual to think morally is also developed in various stages. The earliest level or the pre conventional level for moral development is during the childhood stage (Fryer, 2016). The individual during the pre-conventional level can only determine the right or wrong in a situation as per the authority figures. They depend on the outcome of the situation on the authorities, like what rewards they will obtain and also the punishments. The second level for the development of ethical behavior or morality in an individual is during adolescent. This level is called as the conventional level by Kohlberg (Martinov-Bennie Mladenovic, 2015). For such individuals, the theory of ethics or right and wrong is completely based on loyalties towards their groups. The group consists of friends, family and ones nation. Most of the individual remains at this level and define what is right or wrong on the basis of the family and societys beliefs as well as the laws regulations. Lastly, according to Kohlberg is the post conventional level. The individual at this stage continues to morally develop themselves. The person at this stage stopsdefining the situations in relation to group loyalties or norms. Rather, the person at this point generates his own principles and ideas that are truly right or wrong from the universal viewpoint. Ethics involves defending, systemizing and recommending concepts that leads to wrong and right behavior. They are considered to be the moral philosophy.According to Ladkin(2018) ethical considerations should be woven in every aspect of life to succeed. The ethical decision making procedure is very integral for business considerations. Ethical courses can lead to better decision making process for any individual. In the recent times the students prefers to discuss ethical business situations rather than a lecture that is very philosophical in nature (Drumwright, Prentice Biasucci, 2015). The significance of ethics instructions is deemed to be a fundamental element both for the instructor and the students. It is vital in order to increase the realism and also impact the growth of the student. This will eventually influence the development of professional ethics in future. Student becomes employees, executive and leader, who are in charge of revising and upholding the business codes (M ay, Luth Schwoerer, 2014). While considering the facts, it can be concluded that ethics is viewed as a process of communication, which allows the individual a new way for commitments and understanding towards their social life.It is crucial to address ethical issues in meetings and discussions regularly by the leaders. Moreover, a leader plays an important role in communicating the effectiveness of ethics in the organization. They should take an active part in reinforcing the communication regularly not just as one-time event. They are actually the ones ultimately responsible for conveying the message in a positive light. This leads to the growth of the ethical workplace due to teams commitment and understanding. Henceforth, ethical principles and practices can be taught to the individuals through right method of learning and sustaining them with a very strong plan References: Blay, A. D., Gooden, E. S., Mellon, M. J., Stevens, D. E. (2016). The usefulness of social norm theory in empirical business ethics research: A review and suggestions for future research.Journal of Business Ethics, 1-16. Chell, E., Spence, L. J., Perrini, F., Harris, J. D. (2016). Social entrepreneurship and business ethics: Does social equal ethical?.Journal of business ethics,133(4), 619-625. Drumwright, M., Prentice, R., Biasucci, C. (2015). Behavioral ethics and teaching ethical decision making.Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education,13(3), 431-458. Fryer, M. (2016). A role for ethics theory in speculative business ethics teaching.Journal of business ethics,138(1), 79-90. Jeffrey, D., Downie, R. (2016). Empathy-can it be taught?.Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh,46(2), 107-112. Ladkin, D. (2018). The Aestheticand Its Relationship to Business Ethics: Philosophical Underpinnings and Implications for Future Research.Journal of Business Ethics,147(1), 35-51. Martinov-Bennie, N., Mladenovic, R. (2015). Investigation of the impact of an ethical framework and an integrated ethics education on accounting students ethical sensitivity and judgment.Journal of Business Ethics,127(1), 189-203. May, D. R., Luth, M. T., Schwoerer, C. E. (2014). The influence of business ethics education on moral efficacy, moral meaningfulness, and moral courage: A quasi-experimental study.Journal of Business Ethics,124(1), 67-80. McMurrian, R. C., Matulich, E. (2016). Building customer value and profitability with business ethics.Journal of Business Economics Research (Online),14(3), 83. Michaelson, C., Pratt, M. G., Grant, A. M., Dunn, C. P. (2014). Meaningful work: Connecting business ethics and organization studies.Journal of Business Ethics,121(1), 77-90. Schrier, K. (2015). EPIC: a framework for using video games in ethics education.Journal of Moral Education,44(4), 393-424. Strobel, M., Tumasjan, A., Welpe, I. (2015). Do business ethics pay off?.Zeitschrift fr Psychologie/Journal of Psychology. Swanson, D. L., Frederick, W. C. (2016). Denial and leadership in business ethics education.Business ethics: New challenges for business schools and corporate leaders, 222-240. Wang, L. C., Calvano, L. (2015). Is business ethics education effective? An analysis of gender, personal ethical perspectives, and moral judgment.Journal of Business Ethics,126(4), 591-602.