Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Casy Study_PTII Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Casy Study_PTII - Case Study Example The methods to use for collecting effective data generally consist of techniques like questionnaires designed for taking interviews, observation practices and other measures like surveys. However the methods like observation and surveys are taken to be unobtrusive in nature and thereby do not require the researcher to go for an in-depth analysis of the research question. On the contrary, the use of interview technique based on development of a questionnaire helps the researcher to gain potential inferences to the research question. Thus for the research question under view it would be feasible to incorporate the interview method than other data collection methods (Cummings and Worley, 2008, p.123). Use of open and close ended questions in the interview would enable the researcher to get effective views and feedbacks of the respondents to the research question. Using written document along with an in depth interviews the researchers will be able collect information of the phenomena. By reading it carefully researcher tends to drive the essence of experience by conducting interviews with the individuals who have already experienced the phenomenon. Interviews to be conducted for the research are of mainly three types, unstructured interview, semi structured interview and focus group interview. In unstructured interview, the questions are not set in advance so that the flow is not limited with certain set of questions. Once the interview is underway, the interviewer may ask question to clarify his thoughts such as â€Å"tell me what you meant by† or â€Å"please say more about†. In semi structured interview, the interviewer pre plans few of the general questions to be asked. This type of question typically begins with set of guiding questions which address significant aspect of the research subject. Open ended questions are used to guide the interview and offers some structure and at the same time attempts to maintain

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