Monday, January 6, 2020

Availability Of Legal Representation For Indigent Defendants

Jennifer Villegas Final Paper Fall 2016 CJ 3311: Ethics Dr. Rebecca Pfeffer Availability of Legal Representation for Indigent Defendants The rates of death penalty convictions in the United States are outstanding, and with the growing number of cases going into the criminal justice system for processing and in accordance with the numbers of death penalty convictions, it can become questionable the type of counsel being provided to those defendants who are without sufficient income to afford a lawyer for their defense in a capital case, these defendants are known under the official name of indigent defendants. Questions over the type of counsel that is appointed to indigent defendants have opened due to the high incarceration rates of minorities in the prison system. As society moves into an era where issues start to become a matter of publicity and law reforms, the public starts to become more informed and aware of the differences between having a court-appointed defense attorney versus a hired private defense attorney. The acknowledgment of this issue was mentioned above, because of high rates of minority incarcerations, researchers started to consider the differences between appointed and private defense. In terms of the distinctions between a court-appointed attorney and private attorney, differences start to show within several areas, such as the following; one area includes the fact that private attorneys have the freedom to choose their clients and cases, whileShow MoreRelatedThe Government and Not-For-Profit Environment100975 Words   |  404 Pagesentity least likely to engage? a) Providing educational services. b) Providing health-care services. c) Providing for terrorism defense. d) Retail sales of cookies. 8. Which of the following can be affected by GAAP? a) Legal ability to issue bonds. b) Ability to balance the budget. c) Amount reported as employee pension plan contributions. d) Claims and judgments settled. 9. Which of the following characteristics is unique to a governmental entity? a)Read MoreMedicare Policy Analysis447966 Words   |  1792 Pagespublic health insurance option by Members of Congress. Sec. 331. Reimbursement of Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Subtitle C—Individual Affordability Credits Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. Availability through Health Insurance Exchange. Affordable credit eligible individual. Affordability premium credit. Affordability cost-sharing credit. Income determinations. Special rules for application to territories. No Federal payment for undocumented

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