Wednesday, February 26, 2020


DYSLEXIA AND THE PROBLEM OF AWARENESS TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND MANAGERS - Dissertation Example The connecting link between the researchers and the dyslexics are the teachers and school managers hence it is imperative that they be apprised of the issue and updated on the latest development. Thus conducting awareness training of teachers and managers for dyslexia is essential. The current research intends to explore the problems of awareness training for teachers and managers with reference to dyslexia on the basis of personal open ended interviews conducted in schools in UK and Saudi Arabia. Table of Contents Abstract 1 1. PERSONAL 5 1.1Introduction 5 1.2Background of the Study 7 1.3Purpose and Scope of the Study 13 2.LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1Types of Dyslexia 15 Acquired dyslexia 16 Developmental Dyslexia 17 2.2 Causes of Dyslexia 17 Neurological Factors 18 Genetic Factors 18 Environmental Factors 19 Cognitive Aspects 19 Biological Aspects 20 2.3Diagnosis 22 2.4Dealing with Dyslexics (Managers and Teachers) 24 Role of Teachers 24 Role of Resource Teachers 26 Role of Managers 27 Conclusion 27 2.5Dyslexic and Problem of Awareness and Training for Teachers and Managers 28 Conclusion 30 3.Chapter 3 30 3. 1Quantitative and qualitative methods 30 3. 2Outcome from Interviews 32 3. 3Ethics 35 Chapter 4 38 5.1.Results 38 4..1.1.Results from interviews in UK 38 4..1.2.Results from Interview in KSA 42 5.2.Discussion 44 Chapter 5 47 5.1.Implication for the Practice 47 5.2.Summary of the Findings 51 5.3.Suggestions and Recommendations 52 6.Conclusion 54 REFERENCES 57 DYSLEXIA AND THE PROBLEM OF AWARENESS TRAINING FOR TEACHERS AND MANAGERS 1. PERSONAL This chapter introduces dyslexia as major and multivariant learning disability showing significant improvements with early detection and intervention. However the nature of interventions is dependent on the cultural, legal and socioeconomic factors of the region of residence of the dyslexic. Hence this chapter provides a brief introduction to the educational system of UK and KSA, the two being my country of research and r esidence respectively. Finally the chapter presents the purpose and scope of this study concluding with an outline of the current dissertation. 1.1 Introduction Individuals with dyslexia battle numerous challenges to their self esteem, academic success and performance of daily chores. For students in a range of settings dyslexia remains a cause of multiple negative consequences hindering their ‘self development’ (Burden and Burdett, 2005). Estimations of prevalence of dyslexia are rendered inadequate due to lack of a consensus on its definition and diagnostic criteria (Schumacher et al., 2007) in different countries, and to the variations in its manifestation depending on the first language and culture of the individual (Grigorenko, 2001), and the multiple variant forms of dyslexia itself. Accounting for these issues Miles has estimated the prevalence of dyslexia in UK to be 3% of severe cases and 6% of mild cases and other variants (Miles, 2004). In USA the estimates o f prevalence range from 5 to 17%. Among the non English speaking countries such as China and Japan, the prevalence rates as low as 1% are reported (Vellutino et al., 2004; Grigorenko, 2001), the inconsistencies in opacity and orthography blamed for the high prevalence in English. The gravity of dyslexia as a learning disability and the urgent need of effective intervention strategies can be appraised by the fact that 80% of the learning disabled individuals have been identified to exhibit dyslexia (Shaywitz and

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