Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evaluation Of A Probation Supervision - 1737 Words

1. IPS - The term IPS, also known as intensive probation supervision, is defined by the Criminal Justice Today textbook as a form of probation supervision involving frequent face-to-face contact between the probationer and the probation officer (Schmalleger 399). This type of probation has been described as the strictest form of probation for adults in the United States, and is designed to achieve control in a community setting over offenders who would otherwise go to prison. Some states have extended intensive supervision to paroles, allowing the early release of some who would otherwise serve longer prison terms. The book also mentions that this type of probation can be effective by saying, a study published in 2000 shows that IPS programs can be effective at reducing recidivism, especially if the programs are well planned and fully implemented (Schmalleger 400). Essentially, it is known as a unit with the purpose of protecting the community, reducing recidivism, helping rehabilita te, and diverting juvenile and adult probationers from further involvement in crime. These objectives are pursued by closely monitoring probationers and establishing relationships with the families and schools for juveniles involved and other supporting agencies, including, but not limited to, police departments, mental health agencies, social services and community treatment programs. According to the judicial branch of Arizona, Maricopa County website, the Adult Intensive ProbationShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Probation And Probation1096 Words   |  5 Pagesform the current system we have now. This includes the probation and parole systems. The goal of probation and parole is to bring back someone who has become a menace to society to a person who can live a life crime free and be a productive member of society. 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