Friday, August 9, 2019

Explain the causes of the increase in violence and deaths of young Essay

Explain the causes of the increase in violence and deaths of young people due to guns, knives and gangs and discuss the various policing challenges this presents - Essay Example In fact, there have been reports of children as young as 11 being murdered, not out of personal violence, but gang crimes such as the unfortunate murder of 11 year old Rhys Jones. Worse still is the fact that street brawls include more than just fists and kicks now – they include the very real possibility of knives and guns. To get an idea of how widespread the problem is, a 2007 report stated that there are over 600 to 700 young people between the ages of 10 to 19 involved in gang activity, having affected the lives of over 8100 others (Pitts, 2007). In 2009 it was reported that there has been a seventy five percent increase in the number of teenage stab victims over sixteen, and an almost staggering ninety percent increase in the number of stab victims under the age of sixteen (Blair, 2009). The questions is, however, when did this shift arise, and why has it arisen in the first place? What are the reasons that younger children are submerging themselves into this violent culture and finding themselves the dangerous target of an armed child? Where do these children get access to the weapons they use and who is responsible for making it possible? The main problem with gathering data on youth criminals is the fact that it is often a widespread grey area where the question of motivation is concerned. Is it possible for a child or teenage to act of completely independent motivation? If so, one may wonder where motivation arises from and is that source of motivation in any way to blame for the uncultured reaction of an individual not yet considered a mature adult by society. And if not, what are the factors influencing these crimes, and who are these children acting in support with. The obvious answer might be gang activity, but the further confusion arises when one considers that not all criminal youth activity is motivated by gangs, and vice versa. So how is one expected to offer some clarity into this blurred line? Perhaps one

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