Thursday, August 8, 2019

Gender Inequlaities Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gender Inequlaities Response Paper - Essay Example In early South Africa, for instance, services of male nurses were unimaginable as discussed by Burns2. Differential application of rules for men and women in historic societies promoted gender inequality. In history, women and men were subject to different sets of rules. Rules set by societies regarding marriage, for instance, were harsh on women compared to men. Reilly3 highlights the differences in rules concerning marriage fidelity in historical communities, based on gender. The Hammurabi’s code, for example, widened the gender gap between men and women. Lerner4 maintains that historical law codes, such as the Hammurabi code, promoted patriarchy in historical societies. Laws codes in historical societies were representative of social conditions. Some viewpoints dominant held during historical ages rendered women as misfortunes in the society. According to Aughterson5, historical viewpoints of women as imperfect creatures promoted gender inequalities. Religion also promoted gender inequalities in historical communities. Glickl Leib’s story6 of women empowerment reveals that Jewish women had freedom compared to their Christian counterparts. Jewish women had freedom to engage in business, for instance, compared to Christians. Colonialism promoted gender inequalities in historical societies. In England, for instance, emigration was a common practice to eliminate redundant women. In addition, women in colonial period had insignificant contribution and roles in governance. This promoted the viewpoint that women are incapable of holding leadership positions in the society7. They had no authority to question the racist nature of colonialism. Women did not question the patriarchal norms that were deterrent to their rights, as well. Different factors promoted gender relations in modern society and enhanced women empowerment. Offering women the opportunity to share their rights changed the perception about them as

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