Monday, October 21, 2019

Balance sheet Essays

Balance sheet Essays Balance sheet Essay Balance sheet Essay Despite a challenging year, we managed to attain 8% growth in operating EBITDA and 1 % earnings growth. We are not resting, we are continuing to invest for future growth supported by a strong balance sheet. We are pleased to achieve record sales Of $691 million and record profit before tax of $132 million for the year. We have 561 ISM outlets. China continues to be our No. 1 market where we are in 45 cities with 254 outlets. New products like Leninist Luke, diva, phi, queues Air and shape Music will help us to sustain our dominant position in the market and we will be introducing more innovative products this year. Our NC outlets are doing well. We have a total of 238 NC/Richer outlets in NON Global and we are growing our sales through new products. TAG Tea has 43 outlets. In SQ, we opened 6 new outlets. We are targeting to pen 15 to 20 new outlets this year and are creating new lines of luxury tea. Profit before taxation Taxation Profit for the period D Other comprehensive income: Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Gain on fair value changes of available-for-sale financial asset Rearrangement of defined benefit obligation Foreign currency translation.

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