Thursday, October 17, 2019

Urban Polution In the 14th century Research Paper

Urban Polution In the 14th century - Research Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that the rising concerns about pollution in America and Britain are not a new issue. By the 14th century, many European city dwellers had started showing their displeasure at the rising level of pollution in their towns. In the 1970s for example, many urban dwellers raised their voices in protest about the rising level of air pollution in their cities.   At this time, it was perceived that the main cause of the pollution was the motor vehicle. Fumes from the motor vehicles chocked people as they passed through traffic. This essay discusses that one thing that the American urban dwellers living in the 1970s forgot is that the auto’s main predecessor, the horse, was earlier perceived to be a worse option in respect of urban pollution. Many scholars decried the pollution that was in urban centers and in fact demanded that horses be banished from American cities. One authority noted that the horse was a taxing economic burden to humans and an affront to hygiene.   At this time, it was widely agreed that the â€Å"horseless carriage† be adopted as a solution to the pollution problem. The researcher states that in the 14th century, in Europe, the horse had been identified as a major cause of pollution. Based on Statistics, it was established by sanitary experts that a horse produces between 15 and 30 pounds of dung every day.  

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