Friday, October 4, 2019

Diagnostic Models Essay Example for Free

Diagnostic Models Essay An organization is an open system that is in constant interaction with its environment, taking in raw materials, people, information, and energy, converting these into products or services, and exporting the latter back into the environment but these organization need to regularly undergo the diagnosis of the current performance of the organization so that interventionists should be able to know whether the organization is performing well or not and what changes has to be incorporated so that the main focus of organization to do excellence fulfilled. But it should be planned, systematic and explicit. Well-done assessments or diagnosis is done on the basis of diagnostic models depending upon which model a company adopts to diagnose. This article revolves around 11 diagnostic models that had been constructed keeping in mind the strategies for organization’s development but these models have limitations too. Models are: {draw:rect} Force Field Analysis (1951) Leavitt’s Model (1965). Likert System Analysis (1967) Open Systems Theory (1966) Weisbord’s Six-Box Model (1976) Congruence Model for Organization Analysis (1977) McKinsey 7S Framework (1981-82) Tichy’s Technical Political Cultural (TPC) Framework (1983) High-Performance Programming (1984) Diagnosing Individual and Group Behavior (1987). The Burke-Litwin Model of Organizational Performance Change Each model is unique in itself but there are issues with these models too i. e.there is more or less variables are missing from every model but B-L model of organization performance change has been conceived on the basis of theoretical and empirical literature on organizational behavior. Moreover this model also covered the variables which other model didn’t cover that means it is self sufficient model for diagnosis purpose. 1. Main issue of this article is that most of the models missed one or more important variables like no feedback loop is there, no consideration of environment, no standardized scale labels , key variables are relatively broad and undefined etc. There is doubt regarding support for the relationships among the variables constructed in model. Moreover model doesn’t address the role of external environment in bringing about the change in any of the variables (Leavitt’s model) There is no illustration to depict the framework (motivation, communication, interaction, decision making, goal setting, control, and performance) of Likert system analysis model which is based on four different types of management systems within organizations. These are Now Likert made the instrument to test the perception of employees based on above mentioned systems but the instrument did not have standardized scale labels such as â€Å"strongly agree,† â€Å"agree,† â€Å"neither agree nor disagree,† â€Å"disagree,† and â€Å"strongly disagree. † Instead, Likert provided customized scale labels for each question and resulted in minimum information. ‘Open system theory’ model overemphasis on variables within the organization and there is absence of any feedback from the environment even though this model assume that organization is dependent on environment. Formal system (policies and procedures the organization to claim) informal system (behaviors of employee which actually occurs) are missing from the six box model which unleashes the fact that this gap make an organization less effective. Also there is discrepancy between what organization is and what should be? TPC Model only highlights the questions regarding the diagnosis of technical, political and cultural components. The resources and outputs(variables) in the ‘Diagnosing Individual and Group Behavior’ model are linked by main line of influence and feedback loops which are not reciprocal and also the extensive usage of these lines make it difficult to understand the relationship between variables. Key variables are relatively broad and undefined (Force field analysis) In many models it is not clearly expressed whether variables are merely correlated or whether a cause and effect relationship between variables is thought to exist. Questions that article tried to answer are. Q1. What is the main purpose to construct the diagnostic models? Q2. What are the scopes of diagnosis and what is the problem related to narrow diagnosis? Q3. How diagnosis can be done in a systematic way? Q4. To what extend does the various mentioned diagnostic models are effective for organization? Q5. Why organization’s diagnosticians should not be rigid regarding adhering to one model (limited variables)? Q6. What are the different types of organizations and how do they function? Q7. What is congruency of model? Q8. What is political, technical and cultural dynamics related to diagnostic model? Q9. How nature of relationships between variables in various model differ? Q10. What are the key features of B-L Model that set it apart from other models? Q11. Why validation of any diagnostic model is vital? What are the procedure to validate a model? Q12. What are the findings of studies done on the variables of B-L diagnostic model? Q13. What is difference between path analysis and structural equation modeling? What are the key features of SEM that make it preferable procedure to validate a diagnostic model? Diagnostic models identify different vital organization’s variable. Variable are correlated i. e they are reciprocal or leave one way impact. Organization’s diagnosticians should not be rigid regarding adhering to one model. Assessment and improvement of organization depends upon the involvement of external environment in any diagnostic model. There is a fit between organization and environment i. e. what is and what should be done in an organization Validity of a diagnostic model is necessary before conceptualizing it along the empirical investigations. {text:list-item} B-L model covered all the variables in form of transformation and transitional along with environment and feedback loop after theoretical and empirical studies which is self sufficient model and keep it apart from other models, to adopt by any organization for diagnosis Key message of this article is that only theoretical and empirical studies are not feasible for conceptualizing any model but also validating it becomes necessary otherwise there could be one or more variables can be  missed out or they may also act as restraining forces in the path of excellence of any organization. According to me B-L model don’t have any loophole in it. There are several key features of B-L Model which set it apart from the other models are : {text:list-item}.

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